Adding Flood Coverage to Your Home Insurance

Category: Our Blog

Many people are unaware that flood coverage is not included on their standard policy for homeowners insurance in MA.  Many residents have recently experienced a number of storms that have resulted in damaging levels of flooding. This appears to be part of a general pattern of increasingly severe storm activity across many parts of the country. No one can afford to be complacent about the risk of possible flood damage to their home.

Your general homeowners’ policy may provide some coverage for water damage under certain specific circumstances. However, flooding damage caused by a major storm does not fall under the scope of standard homeowners’ insurance.

Major flooding, caused by a weather event, is overseen by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), a division of the Department of Homeland Security. Through them, you can get information about local flood zones and the regulations for your area concerning flood insurance.

Our agents can assist you in organizing flood coverage to complement your home insurance. MA, like much of the east coast, seems likely to be facing more large storms in the future. Water is one of the most damaging elements of these storms and it is important to be prepared as water damage can mean some very expensive repair work.


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